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dr frati

The Challenge & Solution

Riccardo Frati, a well known celebrity plastic surgeon, came to me as his current website wasn’t reaping the returns he was expecting. Competition in the market had increased, and his online sales had decreased. Unfortunately for Dr. Frati, he was tied into a website and hosting package with an American company, and needed help elsewhere.

Dr. Frati had a second website, of which he still had access to, he asked me if I could help him increase his organic traffic and keyword rankings for his second website, and to do this in a timely fashion, giving him more control over his online marketing.

Seoland Values

After extensive competitor research, as to all the services on offer in two highly competitive locations of London and Manchester, we began to work on this secondary website, and we were able to achieve some really amazing statistics, in not just organic traffic and keywords, but also conversions, sales, even press enquiries.

  • Extensive Competitor Research
  • Full Content Strategy
  • Local Google Focus
  • Advanced reporting and analytics
  • Succesful PR and Link Building
  • User Experience program

Perfect Result

“I cannot thank James enough for his work over the last 18 Months. My online traffic had decreased and thanks to James, I am now on the right trajectory. I have since recommended James to other colleagues, and I have full trust he will be able to offer the same level of service to them.’

I am an SEO specialist, and have been for 12 years. I have seen Google and the art of optimising rapidly change over the years, and I have been able to use tried and tested formulas to discover what really works and what doesn’t when optimising for Google. My bespoke approach means I can tailor SEO to your specific competition and goals, rather than say, an agency, who use a more generic one size fits all approach.

SEO is an important and efficient way to market ones business online, and to help generate leads and sales for a company. One can cast branding far and wide with SEO, and you can also gain an edge on your competitors, by being above them in Search Engine rankings. Long term SEO is generally cheaper than Ads.

SEO is a medium to long term marketing strategy, meaning if you need next day sales, SEO is not for you. You can usually rank locally quiet well quite fast, but for Search Engines to know you are legitimate, they need to see monthly progress, before you can hit the true heights of ranking in position 1, for a whole host of keywords.

If you have a medium to long term marketing plan, then the answer most likely is yes. To work out how much SEO can influence your business, I would need to do a full Marketing Audit on your company, different marketing techniques work in different ways, depending on your personal goals and expectations.

Portfolio Details
  • Created By: Dr. Frati
  • Category:
  • Timeframe: SEO - Medium to Long term
  • Location: London and Manchester, UK